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Dlg controls don't work well with Hi-Res monitors

The LMD...Dlg components don't seem to work well with Hi-res monitors. I tested a number of them and most have problems with at least the OK / Cancel button size and position. In particular:
CalculatorDlg is completely messed up
TextEditDlg the status bar is extremely small. 
WindowListDlg the listbox overlaps the 'Available Windows' label and the items overlap each other
CheckListDlg the items in the list box overlap each other.

All components are LMD-Tools 2024.1 (19-12-2023), monitor is 3840x2160 @ 150% (recommended settings)


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We try to increase High-DPI support in our controls, but, unfortunately, in VCL architecture it hard to acvieve. Anyway, I'll look what can be done with mentioned dialogs; this can take some time.
  • Hi Eugene,
    I understand, when even the Delphi IDE makes a mess of it you know it can't be easy for 3rd party developers!
  • Hi, I've made some adjustments, but from your image it seems that the dialogs are not scaled at all at your side. I cannot confirm this, so at my side some dialogs was scalable. Anyway, here is a screenshots at 100% and 125% after my fixes:

  • Hi Eugene,

    I should have done this before but I just checked the same test app on my laptop and it looks OK there. The only real difference between the PC and laptop are that the PC has 2 screens, one is 3480x2160 @ 150% & 60Hz and the other is 1920x1080 @ 100% & 75Hz. Maybe Windows / Delphi is getting confused by the different scaling? 

    Anyway, thanks for taking a look.

  • I have also two screens, where 100% screen is the main one. So, this should not be a problem.
  • My main screen is the 150% one but that should not matter. Anyway, let's just blame it on my PC and Delphi (or Windows)! Thanks for the help.
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