procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TLabel, 0);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TEdit, 1);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TMemo, 2);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TButton, 3);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TCheckBox, 4);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TRadioButton, 5);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TListBox, 6);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TComboBox, 7);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TGroupBox, 8);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TRadioGroup, 9);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TPanel, 10);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TActionList, 11);
CompBar.RegisterComponent('Standard', TTimer, 11);
CompBar.Pages[0].Expanded := True;
AlignPalette.FormLeft := Left + 50;
AlignPalette.FormTop := Top + 50;
2) Create a new platform to compile in 64 bits
3) After start the program, add a TTimer to the layout
4) Try to overwrite the OnTimer event
5) After this, the event is created, but a periodically access violation exception is thown
I'm using Embarcadero® Delphi 10.4 Version 27.0.37889.9797, and LMD 2020