When I run it standalone and save the layout, it properly saves floating panels. However, if I execute the same code when a modal form of my main program, it does not save floating panels to the XML file. If it is not floating, it works fine. Is there a conflict in such a scenario, or is there a problem with the dock manager when used in a modal form?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<site dpi="96" floating="1" left="2125" top="915" width="216" height="454">
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpImageObjects" visible="1"/>
<site dpi="96" id="frmImageEditor.LMDDockSite1">
<zone kind="HORZ">
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpLayerProperties" visible="1" size="237" dsize="0.165156794425087"/>
<zone kind="TABS" activetab="0" size="983" dsize="0.685017421602787" isspace="1">
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpLayerWorkspace" visible="1"/>
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpImageLayers" visible="1" size="215" dsize="0.149825783972125"/>
When run as a modal form to another application (notice the missing floating panel):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<site dpi="96" id="frmImageEditor.LMDDockSite1">
<zone kind="HORZ">
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpLayerProperties" visible="1" size="237" dsize="0.165156794425087"/>
<zone kind="TABS" activetab="0" size="983" dsize="0.685017421602787" isspace="1">
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpLayerWorkspace" visible="1"/>
<zone kind="PANEL" id="frmImageEditor.dkpImageLayers" visible="1" size="215" dsize="0.149825783972125"/>
LMDTools 2019.9
Delphi 10.3.2