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Brand new user here - I bought your product because I was looking for a control that was infinitely scrollable, a mixture of button, links and formatted text and is small enough to allow multiple instances in one application (all characteristics of web browsers, but TWebBrowser only allows one instance in an application). An actual web browser is probably too much overkill anyway since I really don't need the the overhead of actual web navigation, javascript, etc.
I had a lot of problems with your install program. Let me see if I can remember a few of them so
you can fix them for other users.
First, it told me that “C:\Users\fanbe\AppData\Roaming\LMD
Innovative\LMD VCL\Licenses” was an invalid path (because your program did not
create that path for me). So, I manually
created the path it wanted.
Next, I got seemingly random error messages about permissions
apparently because I didn’t know you expected me to run it as an Administrator. I believe your program was trying store
program settings in a subdirectory of “C:\Program Files (x86)\”, which, of
course, would need administrative permissions to write to (instead storing
settings in “C:\Users\fanbe\AppData\Roaming\LMD Innovative”).
These permissions error messages happened when I was
changing the captions to “Prepare b103” and “Start b103” and when exiting the
program (i.e., times it is apparently trying to save settings).
Next, your program just seemed to hang the first time I tired to “Prepare
b103” because, after display a line telling me it started, nothing further
displayed for about 2 minutes and the user interface had become unresponsive,
so I gave up and killed the process. When I
went back in and tried to start Prepare again, I got a message that some process
had the file locked it was trying to update.
So, I rebooted.
Finally, all the projects in the demo folders are Delphi
projects, even though I only have C++ Builder installed and had changed the buttons
in the install application to “Prepare b103” and “Start b103”. Can you email me the corresponding project
folders for C++ Builder html, so I can see which tags you now support and which
controls, since your documentation page (
only says to see those demos to find out what is supported (and apparently have
to access the controls)?