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Cannot display russian characters


my app was previously developed with Delphi 6.

The form contains ELDBLabel (connected with TADSTable (descendant from TTable)), TElAdvancedEdit and a combobox with a list of charactersets.


If a different characterset is used, i.e. russian characterset, then the code is: ElAdvancedEdit.Font.Charset:=.... //selected characterset

In the delphi 6 app the ElAdvancedEdit displayed perfectly i.e. cyryllic text from the database.

Now I bought LMD2019, I am using Delphi Tokyo and was migrating the old code to Delphi Tokyo. I did not modify anything, but I am unable to display from the exactly same database file with the same code cyryllic characters.

Any idea?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In Delphi Tokyo all strings are Unicode. So, may be the problem is in conversion somewhere. Or may be conversion is mising while required because of old database. something like this.
    Can you check issue with standard VCL controls?
  • The default controls show the same content like the ELDBLabel.

    When I change the regional settings to russian location then ELDBLabel and the default VCL controls display everything correct. But we are working here with german windows and we receive these small database files from russian customers.

    How can I solve this?
  • So, this is not a problem of our controls. Unfortunately, we, have no advice of how to handle your data files.
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