I've tried to implement LMD Docking into one of my existing applications and I found that EurekaLog was reporting an attempt to use a freed object.
I've spent time today to ensure its not my code as in one instance it was but after fixing I ended up with the same issue.
I decide to open the pDockingDemo project provide and enable EurekaLog and have found the same attempt to use a detroyed object when closing panel using the X on the panel.
I've attached the EurekaLog bug report (I hope it helps). I've not had any false positives from EurekaLog so I do not think the problem is in their code.
I'm using LMD 2018 Release 2018.3 and EurekaLog 7.7 on RAD Studio 10.2.3 Tokyo Enterprise.
If you need any more information then please let me know.
In the dock panel I added a new private field:
In the constructor I set the value as follows:
And in the destructor as follows:
and updated the WndProc as follows:
Now this worked and EurekaLog didn't raise an issue BUT FDGHLMDDockPanelState is undefined at this point as the debugger says its value is "(out of bounds) 116" and I think its pure luck that this works.
Dispatch(Message); // MouseDown virtual procedure.