We recently updated to LMD2018 form 2017 and I found that the behavior of the Multiselect has changed. If you select 2 or more items and right click (to activate a popup menu) the tree unselects the tree nodes and selects the tree under node the mouse. In comparing the source code I found that you've commented out some code in the MouseDown method:
// if Assigned(FOwner.FSelectedList) then
// LNotSelected := FOwner.FSelectedList.IndexOf(LItem) < 0
// else
// LNotSelected := LItem <> FSelected;
if {(LNotSelected or (FHitColumn <> LOldHitColumn)) and} // EB-2017: Condition removed
// because of customer request.
Is there a way to program around this or can the code be fixed?
Thank you,
Mitch Wolberg
RockWare, Inc.