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Problem with TLMDWideStrings.LoadFromStream


Problem with TLMDWideStrings.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream) method.
Using BDS2006 with LMD_UNICODE and WideStrings to store unicode strings.
1. We have UTF8 encoded text stream without BOM.
2. We created an object and trying to load our text
lst := TLMDWideStringsList.Create
lst.SaveUnicode := true;
lst.UnicodeFormat := sufUTF8;
In result strings are not converted to WideString type.
Function LMDConvertUTF8String which called in method TLMDWideStrings.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
working incorrectly. It checks BOM again, but we have no BOM, and se set properties of lst object to
work without BOM. Here is the problem.

Thank you.


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