In TELTreeAnchastor the member variables are defined
FOnEditKeyDown: TKeyEvent;
FVerticalLines: Boolean;
FExplorerEditMode: Boolean;
but in the TElTree and TElXTree these variables are redefined.
So the Hack-Class (THackElTree = class(TElTreeAncestor)) in ElTreeStdEditors will not work any more.
This bug occure if press <Shift>+<Alt>+C to complete a class. The IDE does not recognize that this members are already defined in the base class.
I changed the implementation of the base class to the following
TElTreeAncestor = class(TElXPThemedControl) //, IElTree)
FOnEditKeyDown: TKeyEvent;
FVerticalLines: Boolean;
FExplorerEditMode: Boolean;
FEditorManager: TElTreeInplaceManager;
function GetTreeViewAncestor: TElTreeViewAncestor; virtual; abstract;
function GetAlignmentOnSection(SectionIndex: integer): string; virtual; abstract;
procedure SetVerticalLines(value: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
procedure SetHorizontalLines(value: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
property ExplorerEditMode: Boolean read FExplorerEditMode write FExplorerEditMode default False;
property VerticalLines: Boolean read FVerticalLines write SetVerticalLines default False;
property HorizontalLines: Boolean read FHorizontalLines write SetHorizontalLines default False;
property View: TElTreeViewAncestor read GetTreeViewAncestor;
property EditorManager: TElTreeInplaceManager read FEditorManager;
property OnEditKeyDown: TKeyEvent read FOnEditKeyDown write FOnEditKeyDown;
and removed the fields, property in the derived classes TElTree and TElXTree