Hi Eugene,
I am not sure if this is a feature or I need to code for it but I have a problem docking floating panels to one another.
The scenario is as follows:
- If I have 2 different docksites (each on their own form) with individual dock managers and I programmatically create 2 dockpanels that belong to docksite A.
- I then undock both of them to floating.
- I move one of the floating panels to float over docksite B.
- I then move the second floating panel over the first floating panel with the intention of docking to it.
- I don't get any hot zone button indicators for the floating panel.
- If I move the floating panels away from the second docksite then all is ok.
To me it looks like the docking ability is turned off when the floating panel is over another docksite. I suspect that there is an event I can code for here but not quite sure where that would be.
Is there a simple workaround here?