This happens because in latest Delphi versions controls has ParentDoubleBuffered property, which is True by default. And so, if you set DoubleBuffered to True on the parent panel, its will be automatically set to True on the child ElListBox.
As a workaround, please reset DoubleBuffered property back to False for the list-box in the OnFormCreate event:
But TELListBox must (!) work correct with DoubleBuffered TRUE. In older version of ElPack (With D6) it works correct. With disabled Doubledbuffer, we get flicker-Problem with TElListBox.
And if I use TListBox, this will work with doublebuffer without flickering
I use XE6
But TELListBox must (!) work correct with DoubleBuffered TRUE.
In older version of ElPack (With D6) it works correct.
With disabled Doubledbuffer, we get flicker-Problem with TElListBox.
And if I use TListBox, this will work with doublebuffer without flickering