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Maximize LMDDockPanel

Is there a way to display a maximize button in the header or a way to maximize a floating dockpanel like it happens in normai forms. For example Visual Studio does that with the floating windows and VS dock panels can be maximized even putting them on the screen bounds (as it usually happens with forms in Windows 7).




  • 13 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Currently, there are no way, sorry.
  • Hey!

    I don't need a maximize-button, but our beta-testers (we just started the beta-phase of a new version of our software that now uses DockingPack) urgently want the possibility to maximize/restore a floating form back. 
    This is really a frequently used and important function!
    Normally restoring/maximizing should happen when double-clicking the form caption.

    I tried sending a maximize-message to the form using

      ShowWindow(DockPanel.Handle, SW_MAXIMIZE);

    but not even that worked.

    I only need that for floating panels. When they are docked then they don't need to do anything.

    Please help me with that!
    They are going to kill me if I tell them that they have to resize the form using the form-edges.
  • Hi,

    Do try standard Delphi way:

    MyFloatingForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
  • After some experimenting:
    (self{TForm-secendant}.parent{TLMDDockPanel}.Parent{TFloatingSite}.Parent{TLMDFloatingForm} as TLMDFloatingForm).WindowState:=wsMaximized;
    really does the job.

    However, a possibility to toggle normal/fullscreen actually belongs directly into the TLMDFloatingForm-class - and doubleclicking the title line should toggle fullscreen/normal mode in order to make this usable and behave like any other windows app.

    Any chance you add that?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

  • Any chance you add that?

    Ok. I'll try to add this :)
  • That would be genious!
    Thanks a lot in advance!
  • Any news on this topic?
  • Hi,

    This will be implemented in the next version of LMD-tools.
  • Hey!
    Any idea when this version will be released?
  • Very soon. we had scheduled the first public release of LMD 2013 end of october/start of november.
  • Cool! The new release resolves this issue!
    Thanks a lot!
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