I try to use TLMDToolbar. But there are big limitations.
- First the action associated to a TLMDToolBarButton don't work.
- It is impossible to show only Glyph when a Caption is associated with a TLMDToolbarButton
- The Dispalyname of a TLMDToolBarButton is eneffective
- It is impossible to change the glyph from a list png or bmp, the Edit Buttons is always creating new buttons.
- For each TLMDToolBarButton it is impossible to load a png glyph alone, the message invalid graphic format appear always.
- Thera is anay information on TLMDToolBar in the different help files assiacte with LMD, and nothing on the website
- The PNGImageList is not stable and Glyphs disappears very easily, in design mode and in runtime mode
In a future version is it possible to have a "good" version f a modern Toolbar (extension of TToolbar97!!!).
In the same way, is it possible to have a very powerful software to manage le Image list (png and bmp) outside of the components TLMDpngimagelist and TLMDImageList.