I have a class called TPerson that has an Alias Attribute of 'Person'. This works great when serializing one instance of Person. But once I put that person into a generic TList<TPerson> the following issues occur.
1) I get this error: Project MyProject.exe raised exception class ESerialize with message 'AliasAttribute cannot be used in TPerson'.
If I remove the alias then when I try and serialize the TList I get the following error.
2) Project MyProject.exe raised exception class ESerialize with message 'Cannot serialize values of type TCollectionNotifyEvent<uPersonSerializable.TPerson>'.
It would seem that NGSerializer does not recognize Lists of classes as a valid serialize object. How do I use your product to process lists? And what if one of the properties in my object is a list of child classes?
Please help this is a very important feature for us.
Todd Flora
Retail Pro.