Hopefully you can reproduce this. I tried to compile the MegaDemo in C++Builder XE6, using the latest SyntaxEdit but got this error:
[bcc32 Error] d_Main.cpp(10): E2209 Unable to open include file 'DesignIntf.hpp'
When loading this file into the editor:
http://www.htmlvalidator.com/test/target.zipI get a stack overflow: First chance exception at $009F6D3C. Exception class $C00000FD with message 'stack overflow at 0x009f6d3c'. Process cse.exe (15908)
:009f6d3c Lmdseddocument::_16582
:0099ec53 ; ExecPrim
:0099e3ee Lmdregexpr::TLMDRegExp::Exec + 0x2A
:00a0bc54 ; _16683
:00a0c0b3 ; _16685
:00a0a501 ; _16663
:00a0c4b8 Lmdsedparser::TLMDEditParser::GetParsedLine + 0x8
:009d3ca7 ; _16791
:009d452f ; _16801
:009d4645 ; _16804
Here is some of my code:
if ( (Edit) && (Document) ) {
TLMDViewSettings vs; vs=Edit->ViewSettings; // new 2009-06-17 - for new "precise scrollbars"
vs << vsPreciseScrollbars; // for debugging (added 2014-08-04)
Edit->Document=NULL; // clear to help make sure the current document is not processed is changing to precise scrollbars
Edit->ViewSettings=vs; // change first - before setting document
Edit->EndUpdate(); // stack overflow here
It happens on the EndUpdate() line above, with the target.html file I mentioned, and with vsPreciseScrollbars enabled. It doesn't happen if vsPreciseScrollbars is not enabled.
Can you reproduce and fix?