sorry its something very basic but i need help.
I have a TLMDDockPanel with a TFrame on it, the TFrame has a TTreeView component. After i assign object references to the treenode's 'data' property and i undock the dockpanel i get bunch of error messages. That is because it seems that i cannot access treenode's data while docking (treeview has an OnChange event handler and in that i access the treenode's data property - OnChange is called because the treeview get focus at dock start, although i dont know why). The question is that why i cannot access the treenodes data while docking (dock start), is it normal?
I set the following:
procedure TfrmCLmain.LMDDP_DevTreeEndDock(Sender, Target: TObject; X,
Y: Integer);
frmDevTree.Enabled := true;
procedure TfrmCLmain.LMDDP_DevTreeStartDock(Sender: TObject;
var DragObject: TDragDockObject);
frmDevTree.Enabled := false;
But yet sometimes i get a 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' message and the Dockpanel disappears forever (:. Is there any way to disable the autofocus on TFrame at dock start? And is that a normal behavior that i cannot access LMDDock panels child components data fields while docking (dock start)?
Thank You!