I have 1 TLMDDockSite (with 5 TLMDdockPanels on it) in my main application form aligned alClient, but with the Visible property set to False.
(it's not visible because the TLMDDockSite will become visible as soon as the user logs on in the application, but that come much later)
Why is it that the entire TLMDDockSite is transparent (Windows Aero, by the looks of it, which is my current Windows 7 theme) if I double click on the .exe and run it from Windows Explorer, but it's not transparent and I can see the usual grey background form when running it from the Delphi IDE?
I'm not using any (LMD) themes in my application.
Anyway, I think you were right, it wasn't the LMD components the source of the issue, it was an exception happening at creation time, only when running from outside Delphi it happened.
Thanks anyway