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tELHTMLCombobox text baseline wrong and also very slow.

Hello LMD team,

I notice that in tELHTMLCombobox (style=csdropdownlist) the text baseline is different in design mode and runtime mode. In runtime mode the text is positioned several pixels higher and that looks weird if a standard VCL component such as tCombobox is immediately beside it.

Also, tELHTMLCombobox is extremely slow if you use the mouse to pgup/pgdn in the list. The existing text is scrolled out of the visible area first, very very very slowly, before the new items are drawn. It takes 1000 ms to re-draw 16 lines of text on a core i7 processor!  This makes the component so slow that it is unpleasant to use with larger drop-down lists. Is it possible to switch off this "animation" behavior somehow? 



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