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Using Delphi XE2 and LMD 2012 under Windows XP SP3.
My application now has XP Themes activated, and as would be expected, all Delphi and most third-party controls now have the style of the selected theme, for sake of argument: Aqua Light Slate. However, none of the many LMD Tools components have changed their appearance.
On the main form I have included LMDClass and LMDXPRes, and in the mainform OnCreate event the code:
LMDApplication.UseXPThemes := True;
Why does this not work ??
What more must I do to get XP themes working with LMDTools 2012 ???
You are, of course, correct: I'm referring to VCL Styles, not XP Themes.
The most-used components directly causing a problem now are TLMDEdit, TLMDSimplePanel, TLMDButton and TLMDSimpleLabel, as shown in the attached example program.
The standard delphi components have the correct appearance depending on the chosen style. The LMD ones do not all change their appearance: only the Spin Edit and Simple Buttons seem to change. Behaviour is independent of the setting or not of TLMDApplication.UseXPThemes.
Uploading a 2 kb file just goes on and on and on, so I can assume that doesn't work.
Here is the dfm file MainForm:
object MainForm: TMainForm
Left = 1976
Top = 84
Caption = 'MainForm'
ClientHeight = 444
ClientWidth = 612
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
OnCreate = FormCreate
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 36
Width = 90
Height = 13
Caption = 'Standard Delphi'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 128
Top = 9
Width = 34
Height = 13
Caption = 'Panel:'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 131
Width = 101
Height = 13
Caption = 'LMD Components:'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
object LMDSimpleLabel1: TLMDSimpleLabel
Left = 128
Top = 113
Width = 290
Height = 15
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
Caption = 'TLMDSimplePanel (Bevel: bmStandard, IsLowered):'
Options = []
object LMDSimpleLabel2: TLMDSimpleLabel
Left = 128
Top = 242
Width = 417
Height = 15
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
Caption =
'TLMDSimplePanel (Bevel: bmCustom, Inner: bvLowered, Outer: bvRai' +
Options = []
object Label5: TLabel
Left = 16
Top = 52
Width = 92
Height = 13
Caption = ' Components:'
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentFont = False
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 128
Top = 24
Width = 285
Height = 69
BorderWidth = 1
BorderStyle = bsSingle
TabOrder = 0
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 8
Top = 44
Width = 71
Height = 13
Caption = 'TLabel in panel'
object Button1: TButton
Left = 8
Top = 3
Width = 97
Height = 29
Caption = 'Button1'
TabOrder = 0
object Edit1: TEdit
Left = 168
Top = 7
Width = 85
Height = 21
TabOrder = 1
Text = 'Edit1'
object LMDSimplePanel1: TLMDSimplePanel
Left = 128
Top = 128
Width = 420
Height = 96
Bevel.Mode = bmStandard
Bevel.StandardStyle = lsLowered
TabOrder = 1
object LMDSimpleLabel3: TLMDSimpleLabel
Left = 12
Top = 71
Width = 179
Height = 15
Caption = 'TLMDSimpleLabel in TLMDSimplePanel'
Options = []
object LMDButton1: TLMDButton
Left = 12
Top = 12
Width = 85
Height = 21
Caption = 'LMDButton1'
TabOrder = 0
object LMDEdit1: TLMDEdit
Left = 136
Top = 12
Width = 105
Height = 21
Bevel.Mode = bmWindows
Caret.BlinkRate = 530
TabOrder = 1
CustomButtons = <>
PasswordChar = #0
Text = 'TLMDEdit'
object LMDSpinEdit1: TLMDSpinEdit
Left = 136
Top = 44
Width = 129
Height = 21
Bevel.Mode = bmWindows
Caret.BlinkRate = 530
TabOrder = 2
AutoSelect = True
CustomButtons = <>
Value = 0
object LMDSimplePanel2: TLMDSimplePanel
Left = 128
Top = 263
Width = 420
Height = 96
Bevel.StyleInner = bvLowered
Bevel.StyleOuter = bvRaised
Bevel.WidthInner = 2
Bevel.Mode = bmCustom
TabOrder = 2
object LMDSimpleLabel4: TLMDSimpleLabel
Left = 12
Top = 71
Width = 179
Height = 15
Caption = 'TLMDSimpleLabel in TLMDSimplePanel'
Options = []
object LMDButton2: TLMDButton
Left = 12
Top = 12
Width = 93
Height = 21
Caption = 'LMDButton2'
TabOrder = 0
object LMDSpinEdit2: TLMDSpinEdit
Left = 136
Top = 44
Width = 133
Height = 21
Bevel.Mode = bmWindows
Caret.BlinkRate = 530
TabOrder = 1
AutoSelect = True
CustomButtons = <>
Value = 0
object LMDEdit2: TLMDEdit
Left = 136
Top = 12
Width = 101
Height = 21
Bevel.Mode = bmWindows
Caret.BlinkRate = 530
TabOrder = 2
CustomButtons = <>
PasswordChar = #0
Text = 'TLMDEdit'
followed by the pas file:
unit FormMainForm;
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls,
LMDBaseControl, LMDBaseGraphicControl, LMDBaseLabel, LMDCustomSimpleLabel,
LMDSimpleLabel, LMDControl, LMDCustomControl, LMDCustomPanel,
LMDCustomBevelPanel, LMDSimplePanel, LMDCustomMaskEdit, LMDCustomExtSpinEdit,
LMDSpinEdit, LMDBaseEdit, LMDCustomEdit, LMDEdit, LMDCustomButton, LMDButton;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
Panel1: TPanel;
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
Button1: TButton;
Edit1: TEdit;
Label3: TLabel;
LMDSimplePanel1: TLMDSimplePanel;
Label4: TLabel;
LMDSimpleLabel1: TLMDSimpleLabel;
LMDSimplePanel2: TLMDSimplePanel;
LMDSimpleLabel2: TLMDSimpleLabel;
Label5: TLabel;
LMDButton1: TLMDButton;
LMDButton2: TLMDButton;
LMDEdit1: TLMDEdit;
LMDSpinEdit1: TLMDSpinEdit;
LMDSpinEdit2: TLMDSpinEdit;
LMDEdit2: TLMDEdit;
LMDSimpleLabel3: TLMDSimpleLabel;
LMDSimpleLabel4: TLMDSimpleLabel;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
MainForm: TMainForm;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
LMDApplication.UseXPThemes := True;
Sorry for the inconvenience sending the samplr this way, but attaching a zip file to my post doesn't seem to work for some reason.
That made a big improvement, but as you will see from the image, there is still something wrong with the labels and edits. Should the label colours adjust to take into account the change in colour of the background, as do the standard Delphi labels?? Likewise, the edits??
I have not been able to reproduce your result, no matter which VCL style I choose. The one used in the image above best shows the discrepancies. Could it be that I'm still using the 2012 version ?? Have these components been improved in this respect in later versions ???
I have noted for future reference your indication as to how to send zip files and such. Thanks.
Any further suggestions on this one ??? From Rafa, or anyone else ???
If there is no solution for this, I'm facing having to eliminate LMD components from over 200 forms, with many panels, buttons with multi-line labels, some buttons being longer vertically than horizontally and with a text one letter per line, multi-line labels, spin edits, labelled edits, etc., etc., etc.
Would upgrading to LMDTools 2014 solve this problem ?? I can't recommend that course without first knowing it IS the solution. To recommend it and then have to wriggle out later when it doesn't work is not an option.
To remove LMD altogether from the program is also out of the question. Too expensive, and at my expense, to boot.
PD: The style used in the above image is most likely not the style that will finally be used. That decision is open as yet. First do a partial conversion, then choose a style, then complete the job.
Disappointed to hear that labels don't support theme colours, Rafa. However, it may not be a big deal.
Can you confirm, as the image you posted earlier seems to show, that edits (simple, labelled and spin) in LMDTools 2014 do conform ??? If so, the solution could be as simple as choosing a light-coloured style, as you have used above. The labels in black on that form look OK. And buttons behave correctly anyway.
What VCL Style did you use for the image you posted in post #5 of this thread ???