In the forum article Another TElXTree bug with UseCustomScrollBar = false, the memo field is displayed on several lines and the Item's rowheight is increased to accommodate it.How is this done?
Is it possible to have a fixed number of rows displayed or the full number? It would be nice to have these as options.
Does it print multi-line? If so, how?
Actually you can specify this feature for each indidual item (see e.g. the designtime editor for item). Example:
ElXTree.Items[0].Multiline := false;
ElXTree.Items[0].WordWrap := false;
ElXTree.Items[0].Height := 50;
ElXTree.Items[0].WordWrap := true;
ElXTree.Items[0].Height := 50;
NewItem.WordWrap := true;
NewItem.Height := 50;