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Property storage to INI breaks for similarly named components

I am having a problem with a TLMDStorPropertiesStorage component. When I create the form, I receive the following error:
"Error reading edSplitterPos.ionBeforeClose: Property ionBeforeClose does not exist."

The property storage component is set up to store 3 properties:

This error occurs when I store it in an INI, but it works fine when storing it in the registry.

I changed the name of the "edSplitterPositionBeforeClose" to "edTest" and it fixed the error. So it appears that the problem is caused because the component's name begins the same as "edSplitterPos". I think this is a bug.

Thank you.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, this is a known limitation of the Ini-file format. 
    Solution is to use enable in connected IniVault the BinaryStream option - but then unfortunately the readibility of Ini-files is lost.
    We will check for future release whether there is a way to workaround this limitation in a nicer way.
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