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TLMDRichEdit error

Hi there,

I really like the LMD tools, it has wider range of functions than any other tools. I have Jvcl, TMS tools etc, and usually  found something lacking in other tools pack but existing in LMD tools.

Recently I ran into trouble for LMD TlmdRichEdit.

TLMDRichEdit behaves wrong when paragraph before space is not zero. Here is how to produce it.

1. Run the demo richedit apps,
2. Clear all contents in richedit control
3. set paragraph format, set spacebefore to non-zero,
4, now, press space bar and hold it, you will see the bug : the cursor moves to new line with each space imputed, press backspace key now and hold it, you will also see new line jumped in.

This is the bug I noticed in jvRichEdit, and it is the exact the same case here.

Please points out to me that if this bug came from windows RichEdit or from the code in Delphi.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi,

    Indeed, somewhat strange behavior. But this seems to happen only when you start pressing space bar at start of paragraph only.

    >>Please points out to me that if this bug came from windows RichEdit or from the code in Delphi. <<
    This looks like a bug in RichEdit itself, because there is no fancy Delphi code to achieve this "feature". It would be interesting whether later TRichEdit releases in Delphi VCL (which are also based on higher versions of RichEdit dll) face similar bug and whether RichEdit DLL 4.X and higher have fixed. We'll check this when we start with next major RichPack release.
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