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tElPopupmenu GPF when compiled inside a DLL

Hello LMD team,

I have a weird problem. I have written an activeX DLL. It is compiled with Delphi 2009. The DLL contains, among other things, a form with a tELPopupmenu.  Inside this DLL, I make sure that "application.handle" is identical with the executable's mainform handle.

The following problem occurs:

If this DLL is called from an executable that was compiled with Delphi 2007 ... XE, it works fine and is 100% stable. 

However, if the DLL is called from an executable compiled with Delphi XE2 or newer, it causes a GPF in Kernel32.dll when the user moves the mouse cursor over a tELMenuItem.  It really is the movement of the mouse cursor that causes the GPF, the user needs not click anything.

I had to remove the telpopupmenu completely and use a Delphi tPopupmenu to make the DLL stable again. This is very unpleasant, though, because Delphi's tPopupmenu doesn't have a "font" property and I need to be able to support Cyrillic and Arabic even on systems that don't have extended font support installed. 

Can you please fix this issue?


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