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In this Discussion

TElDateTimePicker: Possible to auto-decrement days through the months (and years)?

As I decremented the 20th of April down to 1st April, the control worked fine.

Then nothing happened. The page display that depended on the date changing to the prior date didn't change, but I knew there were earlier dates.

What happened was that the control stopped changing the date. 

I had to move the mouse to decrement the month - requiring a movement to the month field and then to the down-arrow,
and then had to move the mouse back to the Day field.

Could you add a property that allows for either the current functionality or continual decrement?

Either that, or could you tell me how to access the OnMouseDown event of the up/down buttons?

E.g Going downwards, the day before 1/5/2013 is 30/4/2013 when using the down button.



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