Taken from the old newsgroup thread "Problems with SyntaxEdit and Addict spell checker".
Problem: Auto corrections result in a deleted space character.
It looks like there are bugs with spell checking & auto-correction using
Addict 4.
I supplied a test project in the old forum with these instructions:
1. Compile & run it.
2. Type "apple", press SPACE, and "apple" should have a squiggly
underline because there are no dictionaries enabled.
3. Right-click on apple to add it to the dictionary.
4. Now start a new line 2 and type "APple" with the first two letters
capitalized... then hit space. This should reproduce one of the issues
of it "eating" the space character when it corrects the "DUal capitals".
Notice that it changes it to "Apple" but removes the space character
that was typed. The user has to press SPACE again to insert another space.
I was told that Eugene would look into this space issue but did not see any fix in the 2013.3 update.
Can this be fixed?