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LMDSI Warnings using LMD-Script Import

Delphi XE3 Enterprise
Windows 7 x64
LMD - IDE Tools 17 Dec 2012

I am trying to generate the wrapper for a unit and I am getting a number of warnings that I would like to resolve.

My unit looks like the following...

unit cBOContainer;


  , System.SysUtils
  , System.Contnrs

  TCols = class(TStringList)
      function GetColsText: string;
... (There is more but this is enough for you to get the gist of it.)

I switch to the LMS-Script Import page in the DE and click generate. After a second I get red boxes next to my uses clause and my classes with the following warnings...

[LMDSI Warning] cBOContainer.pas: Analize results for 'System' unit is not found.
[LMDSI Warning] cBOContainer.pas: Analize results for 'System.Classes' unit is not found.
[LMDSI Warning] cBOContainer.pas: Analize results for 'System.SysUtils' unit is not found.
[LMDSI Warning] cBOContainer.pas: Analize results for 'System.Contnrs' unit is not found.
[LMDSI Warning] cBOContainer.pas: Ancestor type: 'TStringList' is not found.
... (Again there are more of the same, but you get the idea).

I assume the TStringList is not found because the System.Classes was not found. 

What is the impact of these warnings. 

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Probably this means that your installation of the script pack is not correct. Try to re-install the product.
  • We don't do a traditional "install" of the product on each developer machine. We have the source in VC and a process where each developer pulls and builds the packages. 

    We do have one machine where we do an install. It is used to capture the source and the registry keys needed on the client machine. 

    I have made sure the registry matches, and that the paths to the wrapper directory is in the IDE Library path. Is there some other setting that the installer does that we are not capturing?

  • Hi,

    Basically, to work properly, only registry keys and paths in IDE options are required. Check the following registry key:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LMD Innovative\LMD-Tools 2013\ScriptPack]

    However, generally, I don't know what to suggest you; especially, if traditional installation is working.
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