I'm using the grid with a custom data source that is empty when the application starts. On initial paint the form asks the data source for its row count and it returns 0.
commandGridData->AddRow(Now(), message.message, message.tube);
CommandResponseGrid->DataRowCount = commandGridData->RowCount(); //tried this but it doesn't help...
After this the grid calls the custom data's RowCount() method, which returns the number of rows. The grid then displays just one an empty row regardless of how many rows I add to the data, but at no time does the grid call the GetDataCell(int Row, int Col) method to fetch the data. I don't understand why this is...
If, on app startup, I return a number greater than 0 from RowCount() the grid does call GetDataCell but, of course, there's no data at that time. It's like initially returning 0 from RowCount() makes the grid decide there never will be any data to fetch?
Do I need to do something else to get the grid to update the data values?