Generally speaking, you need to create new session specifying required transfer name in a config string, as shown in mentioned documentation.
LMDLogFileTransport.pas unit provides a file transfer support. You should include it into your project. The transfer name is "lmd_file_log". As can be found in source code, the following transfer parameters are supported:
function TLMDLogFileTransport.GetParameters: string;
Result := inherited GetParameters;
Result := Result + 'FileName=' + FFileName + #13#10;
Result := Result + 'KeepOpen=' + IntToStr(Integer(FKeepOpen)) + #13#10;
Result := Result + 'Appended=' + IntToStr(Integer(FAppended)) + #13#10;
Result := Result + 'Backup=' + IntToStr(Integer(FBackup)) + #13#10;