I have been working with LMD Tools for many years now,
currently using latetst LMD Tools 2022.8 on WIN11,
RadStudio 11.3, with l
atest help files installed.
While the tools functionality has been wonderfully enhanced over time,
at the same time the help files seem to go down the drain.
Most time I use F1 to get help on some element,
I either get no or a totally rudimentary help entry.
(Just one of 1000 examples, try to get help on TLMDSysSystemInfo)
Escaping for help to the CHM files sometimes helps a bit,
but most times does not give more information.
I am software developer, and I dislike to have to guess about functions all the time.
A proper help file is the backbone of this kind of tools,
so my question:
Am I wrong ?
Is anybody else here as frustrated as me by the scarce documentation ?
Once more, I lopve the tools, but I think I could make way more out of it
if they were properly documented.