C++ Builder 11.1 Alexandria
LMD Shell Pack 2021.7
I'm using LMDStarterEx with the following parameters:
Command: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe
Parameters: describe --tags --dirty --long --abbrev^=8
soxUseCreateProcess = true
soxRedirectOutput = true
soxReditectError = true
Wait = true
I have event handlers for output and errors.
When I Execute the component, the error handler is always called. If I turn off the soxUseCreateProcess, the command runs OK but I can't capture the output. I know I could pipe the results to a file and read that in, but I'd rather the component captured them and gave them to me...
I can't find anything in the Help files about TLMDStarterEx so maybe I'm using it wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.