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LMD HelpFiles (Download Topic 2022.0)

I wonder, when I've downloaded the current LMD Tools Help Files (Delphi/C++ ) setup suppose to be "setupvclhlpbds22.exe" still shows that is is the old setup "setupvclhlpbds21.exe."
Even the installer suggests me that.

Is this correct or, since it's a very new version, a little bug happened / no new helpfiles available?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The number refers to the IDE, not the LMD version number (21 for Delphi 11 Alexandria, 20 for 10.4 Sydney and so on). So 22 will be included in the name of the installer for the upcoming RAD Studio IDE.

    Besides that new material is included in the online help - see

    Example (new font image/replica lists):
  • Since all other "LMD2022.0" setups installed their stuff in "...\LMD2022", Help-Files installer wants me to install it's stuff in "...\LMD2021."

    I am sure getting something wrong, beside bds21 refers to the IDE ;) :

    Is there a wrong (default) destination path in this new setup or are there no newer helpfiles (even for newer version of LMD2022), 
    and therefore i'm installing the old help-files directory. 

    I attached a screenshot, maybe visual information helps.
    17-02-2022 13-20-23.png
  • Ah, I see. There are no newer helpfiles which integrate into IDE. All new/updated documentation will follow our new publishing guidelines. We are evaluating how to transfer old documentation in this or future releases.

    >>Is there a wrong (default) destination path<<
    To avoid confusion we'll recreate the installers with new default path.

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