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SyntaxEdit dark theme/style

I'm investigating adding a dark theme/style to my VCL app... because of the increasing popularity of dark themes.

I was hoping there was a simple color scheme for SyntaxEdit that I could use instead of the default.xml color scheme but there doesn't seem to be.

What is the best way to get a dark theme/style for SyntaxEdit? Is there a color scheme like dark.xml somewhere? If not then can you create one?

Thank you.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There no included dark color scheme. But, the idea is generally good, and we definitely should consider it as a new feature.
  • Yes, please provide a dark theme. I will see if I can come up with something quick by "converting" the dafault.xml color scheme to something that works well with a dark background. I think I've got my app mostly working with a couple of dark themes and I'm liking the look even though there are still some minor issues to iron out.
  • edited January 2022 Posts: 195Vote Up0Vote Down
    Support for a couple of new dark styles / themes in my app is coming along nicely and I think I will be able to use them as "BETA" features.

    I've come up with a "default-dark.xml" color scheme. The latest version is here if you want to look at it:

    Issue 1: One of the minor issues is that I can't find a setting/property to change the color of the line wrap symbols when gsPaintWrapsOnLineNumberBar is set. Is there a way to set the color of the wrap symbols on the line number bar?

    Issue 2: Another minor issue is that the editor scroll bars do not seem to be drawn using the active style.

  • edited January 2022 Posts: 195Vote Up0Vote Down

    Any progress on these issues? I would think #1 would be an easy addition/change/update? Let the developer dynamically change the color via a new property? Perhaps there is already a way to change the color but I have not found it? Because the color looks very dark, the line wrap symbols in the line number gutter bar are hard to see in dark mode/theme. See screenshot clip below (weird... the clip doesn't show except in edit mode when I edit this comment?).


    Issue 1: One of the minor issues is that I can't find a setting/property to change the color of the line wrap symbols when gsPaintWrapsOnLineNumberBar is set. Is there a way to set the color of the wrap symbols on the line number bar?

    Issue 2: Another minor issue is that the editor scroll bars do not seem to be drawn using the active style.
  • There are new schemes available in the LMD 2022 beta (see all news in the announcement at A new beta will be available soon (an I guess we make it available then for SyntaxEdit user as well).

  • Thanks. That looks interesting! But how is the color of the line wrap symbol in the line number gutter bar set? I am releasing a major new release of my software soon (2022/v22) and if I can address this issue then it will look better in the new dark themes my application will support (dark themes in my app are still BETA though).

  • The custom image for the line wrap can be set via EitView.Gutter.WrapLineBarImg property. 

    The image is drawn non-transparently, so you have to match the image color with the gutter background color; alternatively you can set it's TransparentMode property to tmAuto and Transparent property to True at run-time.
  • Thanks. That is good to know but I was hoping it would be a simple color setting. I may try it later given enough time. :)
  • Internally, this is a bitmap.
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