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TElXTree: Multi-Selection: Ctrl+Click doesn't deselect a selected item

The standard behaviour in Windows is to use Ctrl+Click to select and deselect an item.

That doesn't happen with TElXTree.

One of the issues is that the Focused item is selected.

Is there a setting for this?

Would you consider making this change in the source code?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • >>That doesn't happen with TElXTree.<<
    When? Which settings? You should describe exactly when this case happens.

    >>The standard behaviour in Windows is to use Ctrl+Click to select and deselect an item.<<
    This is standard in TElXTree as well (when MultiSelect is enabled).
    If you mean different behaviour when Ctrlkey is pressend and arrow keys are used fr navigation: Then this is by design.
  • None of my ElXTree controls deselect any rows.

    However, the following illustrates other problems with the selection process.

    Consider the ElXTree 5 Demo.

    Choose the Controls demo.

    Click the first row to both Select and Focus it.

    Keep the Ctrl key down and click on the row again and again and again. After a while nothing changes.

    Click on another row and click the same row again. Nothing happens.

    Also, if you select a single row and then Ctrl+Click on it in the same location, then it is not deselected.

    Also, select a row, then a 2nd row. Now deselect the 2nd row and try to select it again. Nothing happens for several Ctrl+Clicks and then just the cell becomes highlighted, and sometimes this highlight only appears after Ctrl+Click on another cell.

    So some things are clearly and reproducibly wrong.

    I will try to create a demo in which no rows can be deselected by Ctrl+Click, but only after you have tried the steps above on your own demo and fixed those problems first.

    Please let me know if you are able or not able - either way - to reproduce the problems I have provided steps for, as this might make it unnecessary for me to create a further demo.

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