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LMDFileOpenDialog/LMDFileSaveDialog behaves not as a modal dialog

Above dialogs behaves not as a modal dialog when the form from which the dialogs are executed are not the mainform.

I've make the following fix in LMDVistaDialogs:

Change line

      LParentWnd := Application.Handle;


    if Assigned(Screen.ActiveForm) and (Screen.ActiveForm <> Application.MainForm) then
      LParentWnd := Screen.ActiveForm.Handle
      LParentWnd := Application.Handle;

Please check if you can avoid dialog flickering when click on the owner-form in case that a not-Mainform is the parent.

I'm using Delphi 6. So perhaps this behaviour isn't there in new Delphi-Versions.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi,

    change will be added to next service release. However when you checked code you will see that this problem is handled by higher Delphi versions automatically. For older versions there is/was always possibility to use the ExecuteEnh method.

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